Erratum to Construction and validation of a predictive model for the risk of three-month-postoperative malnutrition in patients with gastric cancer: a retrospective case-control study

Erratum to Construction and validation of a predictive model for the risk of three-month-postoperative malnutrition in patients with gastric cancer: a retrospective case-control study

Editorial Office

Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology

Correspondence to: Editorial Office. Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology. Email:

Submitted Dec 31, 2024. Accepted for publication Jan 07, 2025. Published online Feb 26, 2025.

doi: 10.21037/jgo-2025-01

Erratum to: J Gastrointest Oncol 2023;14:128-45.

In the February 2023 issue of Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology, the article titled “Construction and validation of a predictive model for the risk of three-month-postoperative malnutrition in patients with gastric cancer: a retrospective case-control study” authored by Dr. Dai et al. (1) was published with errors in Table 1 and Table 3.

In Table 1 and Table 3, the characteristics ‘Age’ is incorrectly categorised. The statistical analyses were based on a threshold of 65 years of age, but in the tables, 70 years of age is used as the threshold.

The corrected Table 1 and Table 3 are presented below.

Table 1

Comparison of the general and clinical data of two groups of patients

Characteristics Total Non-malnutrition group, n=137 Malnutrition group, n=105 Z/t/χ² P
Gender, n (%) 0.242 0.623
   Male 179 (73.97) 103 (75.18) 76 (72.38)
   Female 63 (26.03) 34 (24.82) 29 (27.62)
Age, years, n (%) 6.618 0.010
   <65 108 (44.63) 71 (51.82) 37 (35.24)
   ≥65 134 (55.37) 66 (48.18) 68 (64.76)
BMI, kg/m2, n (%) 3.638 0.303
   <18 3 (1.24) 0 (0.00) 3 (2.86)
   18–24 142 (58.68) 82 (59.85) 60 (57.14)
   24–27.5 66 (27.27) 38 (27.74) 28 (26.67)
   >27.5 31 (12.81) 17 (12.41) 14 (13.33)
MAMC, n (%) 1.096 0.295
   Abnormal 92 (38.02) 56 (40.88) 36 (34.29)
   Normal 150 (61.98) 81 (59.12) 69 (65.71)
Smoking history, n (%) 3.057 0.080
   No 133 (54.96) 82 (59.85) 51 (48.57)
   Yes 109 (45.04) 55 (40.15) 54 (51.43)
History of diabetes, n (%) 1.066 0.302
   No 194 (80.17) 113 (82.48) 81 (77.14)
   Yes 48 (19.83) 24 (17.52) 24 (22.86)
History of hypertension, n (%) 0.000 0.986
   No 173 (71.49) 98 (71.53) 75 (71.43)
   Yes 69 (28.51) 39 (28.47) 30 (28.57)
Alcohol history, n (%) 1.088 0.297
   No 143 (59.09) 77 (56.20) 66 (62.86)
   Yes 99 (40.91) 60 (43.80) 39 (37.14)
Pulmonary function grading, n (%) 1.723 0.632
   1 96 (39.67) 55 (40.15) 41 (39.05)
   2 104 (42.98) 60 (43.80) 44 (41.90)
   3 38 (15.70) 21 (15.33) 17 (16.19)
   4 4 (1.65%) 1 (0.73) 3 (2.86)
Cardiac function grading, n (%) 6.931 0.031
   Normal 144 (59.50) 91 (66.42) 53 (50.48)
   Diastolic HF 73 (30.17) 36 (26.28) 37 (35.24)
   Systolic HF 25 (10.33) 10 (7.30) 15 (14.28)
Pain grading on admission, n (%) 7.029 0.071
   0 149 (61.57) 92 (67.15) 57 (54.29)
   1 52 (21.49) 28 (20.44) 24 (22.86)
   2 27 (11.16) 13 (9.49) 14 (13.33)
   3 14 (5.79) 4 (2.92) 10 (9.52)
Grading of self-care ability on admission, n (%) 1.084 0.781
   0 92 (38.02) 52 (37.96) 42 (40.00)
   1 103 (42.56) 59 (43.07) 44 (41.90)
   2 32 (13.22) 17 (12.41) 15 (14.29)
   3 13 (5.37) 9 (6.57) 4 (3.81)
Neoadjuvant, n (%) 0.063 0.969
   No 168 (69.42) 96 (70.07) 72 (68.57)
   Yes 74 (30.58) 41 (29.93) 33 (31.43)
Surgical method, n (%)
   LAG 180 (74.38) 104 (78.10) 76 (72.38) 1.055 0.304
   TLG 62 (25.62) 30 (21.90) 29 (27.62)
Surgical scope, n (%) 2.064 0.356
   LTG 146 (60.33) 78 (56.90) 68 (64.76)
   LPG 37 (15.29) 21 (15.33) 16 (15.24)
   LDG 59 (24.38) 38 (27.77) 21 (20.00)
TNM stage, n (%) 19.578 <0.001
   I 68 (28.10) 50 (36.49) 18 (17.15)
   II 106 (43.80) 62(45.26) 44 (41.90)
   III 68 (28.10) 25 (18.25) 43 (40.95)
Degree of differentiation, n (%) 2.777 0.249
   Good differentiation 98 (40.50) 50 (36.50) 48 (45.71)
   Moderate differentiation 111 (45.87) 65 (47.45) 46 (43.81)
   Poor differentiation 33 (13.64) 22 (16.06) 11 (10.48)
C-reactive protein, M [P25, P75] 5.75 [3.30, 11.97] 5.50 [3.30, 10.30] 5.90 [3.50, 17.60] 0.056 0.056
Glycosylated hemoglobin, M [P25, P75] 5.50 [4.90, 6.10] 5.60 [4.90, 6.10] 5.50 [4.90, 5.80] −0.853 0.394
Carcinoembryonic antigen, M [P25, P75] 3.29 [1.61, 6.72] 2.91 [1.53, 5.66] 3.77 [1.89, 13.26] −2.775 0.006
Alb, M [P25, P75] 37.15 [33.00, 39.90] 38.30 [34.70, 40.70] 35.40 [31.10, 38.10] −4.579 <0.001
PAB, M [P25, P75] 220.00 [176.50, 263.00] 245.00 [205.00, 279.00] 186.00 [157.00, 214.00] −7.657 <0.001
Triglycerides, M [P25, P75] 1.26 [0.94, 1.63] 1.31 [0.99, 1.72] 1.18 [0.88, 1.54] −2.172 0.033
ALT, M [P25, P75] 18.00 [12.00, 28.00] 19.00 [13.00, 28.00] 17.00 [11.00, 27.00] −1.268 0.205
AST, M [P25, P75] 21.00 [17.00, 31.00] 20.00 [16.00, 30.00] 24.00 [18.00, 32.00] −1.934 0.053
Creatinine, M [P25, P75] 65.00 [53.00, 78.00] 64.00 [55.00, 76.00] 65.00 [51.00, 81.00] −0.200 0.841
Urea nitrogen, M [P25, P75] 5.54 [4.52, 6.91] 5.57 [4.70, 6.82] 5.42 [4.12, 7.45] −0.809 0.419
Serum sodium, M [P25, P75] 140.90 [139.40, 143.07] 141.30 [139.70, 143.00] 140.50 [138.90, 143.20] −1.825 0.068
Serum potassium, M [P25, P75] 4.02 [3.72, 4.32] 4.01 [3.73, 4.30] 4.05 [3.70, 4.34] −0.525 0.599
Hemoglobin, M [P25, P75] 108.00 [82.25, 130.00] 113.00 [87.00, 132.00] 103.00 [73.00, 127.00] −2.400 0.016
NLR, M [P25, P75] 2.54 [1.77, 4.21] 2.48 [1.58, 3.58] 2.92 [1.92, 5.39] −2.680 0.007
Adjuvant chemotherapy, n (%) 1.990 0.738
   No 23 (9.50) 15 (10.95) 8 (7.62)
   Incomplete 53 (21.90) 33 (24.09) 20 (19.05)
   Complete 166 (68.88) 89 (64.96) 77 (74.04)
Postoperative complications, n (%) 1.220 0.269
   No 210 (86.78) 116 (84.67) 94 (89.52)
   Yes 32 (13.22) 21 (15.33%) 11 (10.48)
EN within Post-op 48h, n (%) 3.721 0.054
   Yes 169 (69.83) 103 (75.18) 66 (62.86)
   No 73 (30.17) 34 (24.82) 39 (37.14)

BMI, body mass index; MAMC, mid-arm muscle circumference; HF, heart failure; LAG, laparoscopic assisted radical gastrectomy; TLG, total laparoscopic radical gastrectomy; LTG, laparoscopic total gastrectomy; LPG, laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy; LDG, laparoscopic distal gastrectomy; TNM, Tumor node metastasis; Alb, albumin; PAB, prealbumin; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; NLR, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio; EN, enteral nutrition; Post-op, postoperative.

Table 3

Comparison of general and clinical data between the training set and validation set

Characteristics Training set, n=242 Validation set, n=102 Z/t/χ² P
Gender, n (%) 1.425 0.233
   Male 179 (73.97) 69 (67.65)
   Female 63 (26.03) 33(32.35)
Age, years, n (%) 0.171 0.679
   <65 108 (44.63) 48 (47.06)
   ≥65 134 (55.37) 54 (52.94)
BMI, kg/m2, n (%) 4.179 0.243
   <18 3 (1.24) 3 (2.94)
   18–24 142 (58.68) 50 (49.02)
   24–27.5 66 (27.27) 30 (29.41)
   >27.5 31 (12.81) 19 (18.63)
MAMC, n (%) 3.584 0.058
   Abnormal 92 (38.02) 50 (49.02)
   Normal 150 (61.98) 52 (50.98)
Smoking history, n (%) 0.709 0.400
   No 133 (54.96) 51 (50)
   Yes 109 (45.04) 51 (50)
History of diabetes, n (%) 1.853 0.173
   No 194 (80.17) 75 (73.53)
   Yes 48 (19.83) 27 (26.47)
History of hypertension, n (%) 1.778 0.182
   No 173 (71.49) 80 (78.43)
   Yes 69 (28.51) 22 (21.57)
Alcohol history, n (%) 0.949 0.330
   No 143 (59.09) 66 (64.71)
   Yes 99 (40.91) 36 (35.29)
Pulmonary function grading, n (%) 6.683 0.083
   1 96 (39.67) 45 (44.12)
   2 104 (42.98) 41 (40.2)
   3 38 (15.7) 10 (9.8)
   4 4 (1.65) 6 (5.88)
Cardiac function grading, n (%) 0.239 0.887
   Normal 144 (59.50) 63 (61.76)
   Diastolic HF 73 (30.17) 30 (29.41)
   Systolic HF 25 (10.33) 9 (8.83)
TNM stage, n (%) 0.249 0.883
   I 68 (28.10) 30 (29.41)
   II 106 (43.80) 46 (45.10)
   III 68 (28.10) 26 (25.49)
Pain grading on admission, n (%) 1.198 0.754
   0 149 (61.57) 61 (59.8)
   1 52 (21.49) 19 (18.63)
   2 27 (11.16) 15 (14.71)
   3 14 (5.79) 7 (6.86)
Grading of NRS on admission, n (%) 2.037 0.153
   <3 184 (76.03) 70 (68.63)
   ≥3 58 (23.97) 32 (31.37)
Grading of self-care ability on admission, n (%) 2.750 0.432
   0 92 (38.02) 45 (44.12)
   1 103 (42.56) 42 (41.18)
   2 32 (13.22) 8 (7.84)
   3 13 (5.37) 7 (6.86)
Alb, M [P25, P75] 37.15 [33.00, 39.90] 37.20 [34.65, 39.50] 0.490 0.624
Prealbumin, M [P25, P75] 220.00 [176.50, 263.00] 225.50 [183.00, 266.00] 0.747 0.455
Neutrophils/lymphoc, M [P25, P75] 2.55[1.76, 4.23] 2.63 [1.67, 4.35] 0.177 0.860
Neoadjuvant, n (%) 0.046 0.830
   No 168 (69.42) 72 (70.59)
   Yes 74 (30.58) 30 (29.41)
Surgical method, n (%) 0.047 0.829
   LAG 160 (66.12) 70 (68.63)
   TLG 82 (33.88) 32 (31.37)
Surgical scope, n (%) 0.055 0.973
   LTG 135 (55.79) 61 (59.80)
   LPG 37 (15.29) 15 (14.71)
   LDG 70 (28.93) 26 (25.49)
Adjuvant chemotherapy, n (%) 0.241 0.883
   Good differentiation 98 (40.50) 43 (40.50)
   Moderate differentiation 111 (45.87) 47 (44.76)
   Poor differentiation 33 (13.64) 12 (11.76)
Postoperative complications, n (%) 3.776 0.052
   No 210 (86.78) 80 (78.43)
   Yes 32 (13.22) 22 (21.57)
EN within 48h post-op, n (%) 0.002 0.967
   Yes 169 (69.83) 71 (69.61)
   No 73 (30.17) 31 (30.39)

BMI, body mass index; MAMC, mid-arm muscle circumference; HF, heart failure; TNM, tumor node metastasis; NRS2002, nutritional risk screening 2002; Alb, albumin; LAG, laparoscopic assisted radical gastrectomy; TLG, total laparoscopic radical gastrectomy; LTG, laparoscopic total gastrectomy; LPG, laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy; LDG, laparoscopic distal gastrectomy; EN, enteral nutrition; Post-op, postoperative.

The authors apologize for these errors and state that these errors do not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way.

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  1. Dai T, Wu D, Tang J, et al. Construction and validation of a predictive model for the risk of three-month-postoperative malnutrition in patients with gastric cancer: a retrospective case-control study. J Gastrointest Oncol 2023;14:128-45. [Crossref] [PubMed]
Cite this article as: Editorial Office. Erratum to Construction and validation of a predictive model for the risk of three-month-postoperative malnutrition in patients with gastric cancer: a retrospective case-control study. J Gastrointest Oncol 2025;16(1):336-341. doi: 10.21037/jgo-2025-01

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